Aloha! (Almost... but not quite that far) From the land of Tahoma! Seattle bustles before my eyes in all her foggiest glory this drizzly day in the Political Action Committee North West (haha? PAC NW- get it? it's election year people, c'mon a little White House Humor for ya- BADABING!). I am brought here to reunite with three amazing friends from West Virginia University and one from North Carolina Outward Bound: Team KevSamGretchAmoCorey will surmount the task of ascending Mount Rainier in a mere two days. A low pressure system from southern Alaska brings us overcast, rainy weather in the lower elevations and cold fester our plans... but as with many challenges and all things worth it in life, big-mountain climbing is a process, not a product. So, if we are granted weather and the systems come in to play for success to be defined as making it to the top of the highest Mountain/Volcano in the continental lower 48, so be it. Amen...
The quick update with me is that I have been "slumbering" for a bit now and recently awakened from my "sleep" and by sleep I mean a 72-day wilderness expedition known as the North Carolina Outward Bound School International Leadership Semester. For three months I instructed 7 students as they followed their own personal journey toward self-discovery and efficacy. How could I not be inspired by them after all that time?! I am so inspired.... and after 4 days off, I headed north to New York City to instruct three weeks there. I am currently taking a week off to climb Mount Rainier - my next Summit Beyond as I climb with some much loved friends...
My commitment is to kick out/produce 1 Blog entry a week from now on, as I realize I have been pretty hit or miss with my correspondence for the past several months.
One other detail... I am reading The Fifth Discipline and it is BLOWING MY MIND! I am growing, searching, discovering and hopefully restructuring some systems in my life to really become a better me.
More on all this later.....In a week, in fact. Stay Tuned...
-- Kevin Michael Shon